Sheila Madan
The FDA has long classified hypochchlorous acid (HOCl) as "generally recognized as safe" (GRAS). The majority of the research that has been done regarding the practical applications of HOCl has been in the field of food safety. Since the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) was signed into law in 2011 in the US, the focus of food safety has shifted from responding to contamination, to proactively preventing contamination.
There is probably no food disinfectant and sanitizer more researched and more understood than HOCl. The research clearly demonstrates that HOCl is safe and efficient for ensuring microbial counts are maintained below infectious levels on food and contact surfaces.
Please see link above for complete document issued by the FDA rearding the use of HOCl for crops, fruits, vegetables, fish and livestock. We've provided a synopsis below of the same, of the parts of the study that are relevant to Biobrume/HOCl.
Classified as Material for Use as an Algicide in Organic Food Production
This final rule adds hypochlorous acid to § 205.601 as a chlorine material allowed for use as an algicide, disinfectant, and sanitizer. Paragraph (a)(2)(iii) reads as follows: Hypochlorous acid—generated from electrolyzed water. Upon the effective date of this final rule hypochlorous acid is allowed as an algicide, disinfectant, and sanitizer, including irrigation cleaning systems in organic crop production. AMS has reviewed and agrees with the NOSB recommendation that hypochlorous acid be allowed for use in organic crop production. AMS received comments on the proposed rule for amending hypochlorous acid onto § 205.601.
Classified as Safe Material for Use For Disinfecting Equipment Used in Organic Livestock Facilities
This final rule adds hypochlorous acid to § 205.603 as a chlorine material allowed for use in disinfecting and sanitizing equipment and facilities in organic livestock production. Paragraph (a)(10)(iii) is modified to read as follows: Hypochlorous acid—generated from electrolyzed water. As listed in § 205.603, hypochlorous acid is allowed for use as a disinfectant, sanitizer, and medical treatment in organic livestock production. AMS has reviewed and agrees with the NOSB recommendation that hypochlorous acid be allowed for use in organic livestock production. AMS received comments on the proposed rule that supported or opposed amending hypochlorous acid onto § 205.603.
Classified as Safe Material for Use For Disinfecting Equipment in Organic Farming
This final rule adds hypochlorous acid to § 205.605 as a chlorine material allowed for use in disinfecting and sanitizing equipment and facilities in organic handling and processing. The listing of hypochlorous acid in paragraph (b)(iii) in § 205.605 reads as follows: Hypochlorous acid—generated from electrolyzed water. As listed under § 205.605, hypochlorous acid is allowed for use as a disinfectant and sanitizer in organic handling. AMS has reviewed and agrees with the NOSB recommendation that hypochlorous acid be allowed for use in organic handling. AMS received comments on the proposed rule for amending hypochlorous acid onto § 205.605.